This Code of Conduct has been adopted by the Board of Directors pursuant to Section 31 of the Code of Regulations of the Club. This Code of Conduct is intended to ensure that the Club will provide a family-friendly, welcoming and, most importantly, safe environment for all members. The Board of Directors may amend this Code of Conduct from time to time in its absolute discretion. Members are responsible for ensuring that their family members and guests, including children, are familiar with and comply with this Code of Conduct and other Club rules.
Employees of the Club have the responsibility and the authority to enforce this Code of Conduct and other Club rules and to report all violations to the manager. The Club staff or any officer of the Club or member of the Board of Directors may remove any individual from the Club premises for violation of this Code of Conduct or other Club rules, and serious or repeated violations may result in suspension or termination of membership privileges.
Members are responsible for all actions taken by their children and their guests and will be required to reimburse the Club for any damage done to Club property by such persons. Management may, in its absolute discretion, (i) temporarily bar any person from entering the Club as a guest if such person violates this Code of Conduct or other Club rules or if they believe such person may adversely affect the safety, environment or facilities of the Club or the ability of Club members to enjoy Club facilities and (ii) temporarily suspend the guest privileges of any Member whose guests repeatedly or seriously violate this Code of Conduct or other Club rules. The Board of Directors, may, in its absolute discretion make any such bar or suspension permanent.
Participation in all Club programs is a privilege, not a right. The personnel running any Club program may remove anyone participating in a Club program if the participant violates the provisions of this Code of Conduct, or engages in other inappropriate or dangerous behaviors.
The following rules apply to all persons on the Club premises and all persons participating in Club events at all times:
• You must treat all other members, staff, and management with courtesy and respect.
• You may not use foul, obscene or abusive language.
• You may not engage in disorderly conduct or any conduct that could adversely affect the safety, environment or facilities of the Club or the ability of Club members to enjoy Club facilities.
• The Club maintains a zero tolerance policy for:
◦ bullying;
◦ sexual harassment, including unwelcomed sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and verbal, emotional, or physical conduct of a sexual nature; and
◦ discrimination of any kind, including discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity or national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation or gender identity.
Any such conduct is grounds for termination of membership in accordance with Section 13 of the Code of Regulations.
• You may never directly reprimand any member of staff or abuse or act with disrespect to the staff. Problems with staff should be reported to the Manager, or in the Manager’s absence, to the Assistant Manager on duty or to the Board of Directors. The staff may not perform personal services or run errands for members while on duty, and under no circumstances may on-duty staff provide childcare or babysitting for members.
• Alcohol may be consumed only by persons at least 21 years of age and must be consumed discreetly and responsibly. Excessive drinking on the Club premises is not permitted, and the staff may remove any person who is visibly intoxicated. Glass bottles and other glass containers are not permitted on the pool decks under any circumstances.
• Pets, illegal drugs, inhalants, firearms, and other dangerous items are prohibited from the Club grounds.
• Smoking, vaping, the use of smokeless tobacco and the use of cannabis in any form are prohibited on Club grounds.
• You may not abuse or misuse Club property or equipment, and you may not remove any such items from the Club’s premises. Club property or equipment lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed by a member, a member’s children or a member’s guest must be replaced or paid for by the member.
All information you provide to the Club in connection with your membership, including information about the age, identity, residence and eligibility of members of your household, your childcare providers and your guests must be complete, accurate and not misleading. The Board of Directors may, in its absolute discretion, bar any person from the Club whose admission as a guest or childcare provider or inclusion in a membership was based on inaccurate information, and providing false or misleading information to the Club in connection with your membership is grounds for termination of membership in accordance with Section 13 of the Code of Regulations.
For the safety of all members, children are required to be accompanied and supervised as provided below.
Children aged 10 and under — At all times, children aged 10 and younger must be cared for and actively supervised by a parent or caregiver, 16 years of age or older, who shall be held responsible for their conduct.
Children aged 11 and 12 — From 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM, children 11 and 12 years of age may use the Club facilities if a supervising parent or caregiver, 16 years of age or older, is also on the premises, or with the permission of the manager in the manager’s absolute discretion. In determining whether to grant such permission, the manager may consider, among other things, the child’s maturity, behavior and swimming ability and may require the child to pass a swimming test, demonstrate an understanding of the Code of Conduct of the Club and display behavior which does not constitute a safety or disciplinary problem. After 6:00 PM, children 11 and 12 years of age must be accompanied and supervised by a parent or caregiver, 16 years of age or older.
No unaccompanied 11 or 12 year-old may use Club facilities unless their parent or guardian has executed and delivered to the Club an Unaccompanied Child Waiver Form for the current swim season. Each time they arrive at the Club, unaccompanied 11 and 12 year-olds must provide the front desk with a current, accurate contact number at which a parent or other guardian can be reached for the entire time they are at the Club. Unaccompanied children under 13 may not bring guests.
Children aged under 13 are not permitted on the tennis courts or pickleball courts without a supervising parent or caregiver, 16 years of age or older.
Children aged 13 and older — Children aged 13 and older generally have the privilege of using the Club facilities at any time during the day (10:00 AM – 9:00 PM) without a supervising parent or caregiver present. However, children under 16 whom the manager, in the manager’s absolute discretion, determines are not capable of supervising themselves or are unable to swim adequately must be accompanied and supervised by a parent or caregiver.
Children of any age not accompanied by a parent or caregiver must be capable of supervising themselves, and Club personnel will not serve as babysitters or caregivers under any circumstances. The Club and its personnel assume no responsibility for the supervision of unaccompanied children, and parents and guardians allowing unaccompanied to use Club facilities agree that the Club and its personnel shall have no liability for the safety of such children.
The opportunity for any person under the age of 16 to be on the premises without a supervising parent or caregiver is a privilege, not a right, and can be revoked by the manager or the Board of Directors in their absolute discretion.
In addition, unaccompanied child privileges will automatically be revoked for the child, or if the Board of Directors in its absolute discretion deems it necessary or appropriate, the family if:
• The age information provided to the Club about the child is not current and accurate;
• The child engages in serious or repeated disciplinary problems including dangerous behavior, disrespect or disobedience to Club personnel or damage to Club property; or
• On three or more occasions, the child fails to provide parent/guardian contact information when they arrive at the Club, such information is inaccurate or the parent/guardian does not respond to reasonable attempts to contact them using such information.